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What is Gingivitis and how do I Prevent it?

What Is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease. and plaque. It is caused by the build-up of plaque on the teeth and gums. This plaque is a sticky, colourless film that coats the teeth and gums after eating and drinking. It acts as a home for bacteria to grow. When there is too much bacteria in your […]

What are Veneers and How Do They Work?

A study in 2015 showed that over 80% of people think their teeth look BAD in photos.. It also found that nearly 30% of people don’t show their teeth when smiling in photos on social media because they don’t like the way their teeth look. That’s a lot of people that are unhappy with the look of their teeth! Sometimes braces […]

How To Look After Your Teeth During Holiday Season?

The Christmas Carols are playing. There is a plenty of parties and delicious food. You are Finally relaxing with family friends. It is the best time of the year. The last thing you want to happen is to end up with dental emergency. During this festive season, while it is the perfect opportunity to indulge yourself, it is also important […]

Are Dental X-Rays Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an exciting time and, while your body is undergoing massive amounts of change, it does not mean that you should abandon your dental care routine. In fact, it is important that you take extra-great care of your teeth in order to avoid things like pregnancy gingivitis and if you stick to your regular dental visit schedule during pregnancy, […]

Pediatric Pulpotomies

A pulpotomy is the surgical removal of an inflamed pulp chamber in a child’s tooth that has been compromised due to untreated cavities and decay. Bacteria must be removed from the pulp chamber inside the child’s tooth in order to prevent or alleviate an abscess or infection. Paediatric pulpotomies are commonly referred to as a “baby tooth root canal.” A […]

Common Pediatric Dental Emergencies

No parent ever wants to see their child in pain.  However, pediatric dental emergencies can sometimes occur.  Here are some of the most common, as well as steps to follow to resolve the issue and have the best possible outcome. Toothache Toothaches are common in children of all ages and rarely occur without cause.  If pain persists, contact Smiles Unlimited […]


Dentin hypersensitivity, otherwise simply referred to as ‘sensitive teeth’ is a very common dental problem that accounts for about 1 in 5 of all dentist visits in Australia, according to research published in the Australian Dental Journal. It is characterised by a painful response when your teeth are exposed to certain stimuli, including acidic foods, cold air, some food textures and […]

Problems from a Chipped Tooth

You finished your cold beverage and are left with just the ice. You start crunching away on the cold cubes when all of a sudden, CRACK! That little piece you just chomped on isn’t ice, it is a piece of chipped tooth!   A chipped tooth is common for adults and children. It’s actually quite easy to chip a tooth despite […]

Common Diseases That Cause Tooth Decay

No part of the body functions truly independently, and your teeth are no exception. Tooth decay can be caused by much more than just poor oral hygiene. Tooth decay is often a symptom or warning sign of something much larger, and possibly more dangerous, happening in the body. In fact, there are common diseases that cause tooth decay. When you visit your local dentist for an exam, we are looking at more than just the physical appearance of your teeth.

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Veneers or Crowns: Which is Right for Me?

When you have a chipped tooth, you want to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. The good news is that there are few options for doing so. Veneers and Crowns are two of the more common options. So the question is, veneers or crowns; which is right for you? The answer depends on several factors, such as […]