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Is Chocolate Bad For Your Teeth?

Around Christmas, Valentine’s day, Easter, and other holidays, most of us end up consuming more chocolate than we would on a normal basis and asking ourself, “is chocolate bad for your teeth?“ Whether you love dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, or any variety of this endorphin releasing, feel good treat, you may be surprised at the amount of positive […]

Dentures Vs Implants: Pros and Cons

Dentures vs Implants: Pros and Cons Dentures vs Implants. When you are missing one, some, or all of your teeth, these are two main options that dentists typically recommend. Each of these treatments has its own list of pros and cons that may make it a better option for your situation. Your dentist can make a recommendation, but the decision […]

Why Do Dental Implants Cost So Much?

Why do dental implants cost so much?! If you’ve ever had a tooth extracted, by accident or by a dentist, then you’ve probably looked into your tooth replacement options, including dental implants. There’s no question that implants are the best longterm tooth replacement option, but the cost of the procedure can give some patients sticker shock. Many patients leave the […]

Deep Dental Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning – Did the Dentist Just Refuse to Clean Your Teeth?

When can your dentist refuse to clean your teeth?  When they’re trying to protect your health. Imagine this scenario: You’re at home, brushing your teeth, during your normal routine.  Maybe you floss every day, maybe you don’t.  When brushing, you notice your teeth seem to look a little longer.  Maybe they seem further  apart, or have shifted a little.  Maybe you’ve […]

The Benefits of Dentist Fitted Mouthguards

Are you an athlete? Do you participate in club or even casual sports teams, or other high-impact activities like CrossFit? Do you wear a mouthguard regularly? If not, take a quick look in the mirror, or grab your smart phone and turn the camera lens around. Can you picture yourself with a missing front tooth? You might need to. Maybe […]

Living With Diabetes: Teeth and Gum Problems to be Aware of

Diabetes can lead to a whole host of health problems, but did you know that it can also put you at risk for dental issues? The implications of high blood sugar extend to every part of the body — including teeth and gums. When it comes to diabetes, teeth and gum problems are something you need to be aware of. Diabetes: […]

Tooth Extractions: Do I Need a Dentist or Oral Surgeon?

  When it comes to extractions, we often get asked “do I need a dentist or oral surgeon?” A tooth extraction is nothing to take lightly, so it’s important to choose the right provider for your situation, especially if it’s an emergency procedure. Both dentists and oral surgeons can perform extractions, so how do you know which to choose? The […]

Caring For Broken Dentures

Broken Dentures One of the most serious complications with full dentures is prosthesis fracture – a broken denture. It is more common with the top denture but does occur with the bottom denture as well. Common Causes of Broken Dentures There are several reasons for denture fracture. One of the most common causes of denture fracture includes wear and tear over […]

Oral Cancer: Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms

Oral Cancer Oral cancers are part of a group of cancers commonly referred to as head and neck cancers.  The cancer may not always be noticeable by patients, as symptoms are not always present in early stages.  Early detection and treatment has a very high success and survival rate, so it is very important to have regular checkups to monitor […]