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Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a Government funded dental benefits program for eligible children aged 2-17 years. Eligible children are provided with up to $1,000 in benefits for basic and preventive dental services.

Smiles Unlimited is looking forward to treating Child Dental Benefits Schedule patients. Please ask our helpful staff if you have any questions about CDBS.

Below is a summary of the most frequently asked questions about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule however, is not an exhaustive list. Please see the Department of Human Services Website for more information or call the Medicare general enquires line on 132 011 for further information.

  • When did the Child Dental Benefits Schedule Commence?

This new Government Scheme commenced on 1 January 2014 for all eligible families.

Dr Nabil Matti
Children's Dentistry

Child’s eligibility

Who is eligible for the child Dental Benefits Schedule?

A child’s eligibility for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is assessed by the Department of Human Services. A child is eligible if they are aged between 2-17 years at any point in the calendar year and receive a relevant Australian Government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, at any point in the calendar year.

The Department of Human Services assesses a child’s eligibility from the start of each calendar year and sends a notification to the child or the child’s carer. Most children will be informed of eligibility at the beginning of the year.

For further information with regards to eligibility please refer to the Department of Human Services website.

Once a child has been assessed as eligible, they are eligible for that entire calendar year – even if they are turning two, turning 18, or stop receiving the relevant government payment that year.

What types of dental services are covered by the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

Children’s dental services that receive a benefit under the program include:

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  • Check ups and some x-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root canal treatment
  • Extractions

Many of these services do have restrictions or limits on the amount that can be claimed. Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work, and cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital.

Child’s eligibility

How does the $1, 000 cap on dental services work?

Eligible children have $1, 000 to use on dental treatment over a two year period. The two year period commences at the start of the calendar year, not from the first dental appointment date.

The $1, 000 benefit is available for the full two calendar year period, so any benefits not used in the first year can be carried over into the second year.

Any benefits not used after the end of the second year however, cannot be carried forward for use after the two year period has elapsed.

Eligible children can use their full benefits within the first year if required. However, if this is the case, additional benefits will not be made available for use by the government in the second year.

After an eligible child reaches their $1, 000 limit, no further benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule will be available within the two year period.

Benefits can only be used by the eligible patient. Benefits cannot be shared amongst family members.

Can I use my private health insurance with Child Dental Benefits Schedule services?

Eligible children with private health insurance are unable to claim benefits from both their Health Fund and the Child Dental Benefits Schedule for the same treatment.

Private health insurance can, however, be used for additional treatment not covered by the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

Associations & Endorsements

The Smiles Unlimited Family Dental Implant & Orthodontic Centres are associated with a number of professional organisations who recognise and endorse Smiles Unlimited for the remarkable contribution they make to dental care in both the Fairfield and Greater Sydney regions.

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