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Tag: Toothbrushing

The Importance of Salivary Gland Function for Oral Health

Welcome to Smiles Unlimited, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy smile. While we often focus on brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, there is one vital component of oral health that often goes unnoticed: the salivary glands. Yes, those tiny glands tucked away in our mouths play a significant role in keeping our smiles […]

Sharing A Toothbrush And Other Bad Bathroom Habits

Accidentally (or not so accidentally) using someone else’s toothbrush doesn’t sound too bad, does it? In fact, habits like these can cause long-term oral health problems. Most of us have built our oral health regime based on what others, most likely our parents, have taught us. We may believe that this is perfectly fine as we haven’t really learned any […]

How Your Teeth Affect Your Body’s Health

You may have pondered how much it costs to keep up a healthy smile, but how much does an unhealthy smile cost you? When considering the potential impacts of an unhealthy smile, you think of yellow or crooked teeth, bad breath, or even tooth loss. But a lack of oral hygiene can lead to health problems in your mouth. Your […]

What To Do After Tooth Extraction? – Speeding Up The Recovery

Wondering what to do after tooth extraction? If you follow your dentist’s instructions, get enough rest and ensure your mouth is clean, you can recover relatively quickly. Tooth extractions are performed every day in our practice and we strive to ensure that all patients have a comfortable experience. Let’s take a closer look at what to expect from recovery and aftercare once […]

What A Missing Tooth Can Cost You

How Not Replacing a Missing Tooth can Impact Your Life. Tooth loss occurs due to a number of issues, including wear, cancer, injury, and gum disease. However, regardless of the reason you may have a missing tooth, the impact on your life is often significant, but do you know the cost of not replacing a missing tooth? In addition to the […]

Would you Recommend an Electric Toothbrush? – By Dr Geoff Wan

Yes and no! I would absolutely recommend it if you can not demonstrate adequate home care. Usually this applies if you have rheumatoid arthritis affecting your hands, or limited manual dexterity. These devices are excellent in those situations. Many of my patients will have “the talk” and “the demonstration” with a manual toothbrush, because most people have never been dentally […]