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Tag: flossing oral hygiene

How Your Teeth Affect Your Body’s Health

You may have pondered how much it costs to keep up a healthy smile, but how much does an unhealthy smile cost you? When considering the potential impacts of an unhealthy smile, you think of yellow or crooked teeth, bad breath, or even tooth loss. But a lack of oral hygiene can lead to health problems in your mouth. Your […]

What’s the Most Important item in Oral Health – Dr Geoff Wan

Is it the toothpaste that you use? How about the mouthwash? Or the type of toothbrush? Electric or manual? Straight bristled or cross bristled? Fluoride? Coconut oil pulling? It can’t be floss can it? When oral hygiene products first came out, there was only 1 choice of toothbrush and 1 choice of toothpaste.  And proper use of those tools did […]