Is it the toothpaste that you use? How about the mouthwash? Or the type of toothbrush? Electric or manual? Straight bristled or cross bristled? Fluoride? Coconut oil pulling? It can’t be floss can it?
When oral hygiene products first came out, there was only 1 choice of toothbrush and 1 choice of toothpaste. And proper use of those tools did well to those who used them. Nowadays, there’s an entire section in the grocery store for oral hygiene products, including fancy “interproximal” cleaners.
But out of all those things, which is the most important?
Here’s a hint, it usually stares back at you when you’re brushing your teeth – It’s you! Yes, you!
All of those things, that are brilliantly marketed on TV and magazines, are just things that can be easily purchased to collect space on our shelves. Too often, the toothpaste tube gets squeezed too heavily, making you need to buy more. And mouthwash may actually do more harm than good with all of the alcohol it contains.
Just like with health and fitness, we all eat, but not all of us eat healthily, and there are different degrees of healthy! With exercise, some exercise, many don’t, and there are various levels of exercise, thus determining various levels of fitness.
When it comes to you using the tools of oral hygiene, the health of your mouth is directly proportional to how you are using your toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss.
How many of you actually had a dentist show you how to do it? How many of you get praised from your oral hygiene habits at your routine dental visits? How many of you even have routine dental visits?
It’s easy to get caught up with the hype of purchasing little things, but it’s up to you to manage your oral health. We are more than happy to help you, to coach you, and encourage you to pick up habits that will result in fewer dental problems, and better oral health, which will help you achieve better overall health.
If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, give us a call, we’d be delighted to care for you.
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