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Problems from a Chipped Tooth

You finished your cold beverage and are left with just the ice. You start crunching away on the cold cubes when all of a sudden, CRACK! That little piece you just chomped on isn’t ice, it is a piece of chipped tooth!   A chipped tooth is common for adults and children. It’s actually quite easy to chip a tooth despite […]

Common Diseases That Cause Tooth Decay

No part of the body functions truly independently, and your teeth are no exception. Tooth decay can be caused by much more than just poor oral hygiene. Tooth decay is often a symptom or warning sign of something much larger, and possibly more dangerous, happening in the body. In fact, there are common diseases that cause tooth decay. When you visit your local dentist for an exam, we are looking at more than just the physical appearance of your teeth.

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Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Is teeth whitening safe? Many of us wish that our smiles were a little whiter, but is it something that’s worth risking your health for? The good news is that teeth whitening methods have come a long way over the last few decades and is generally considered safe for most people. However, there are still some important factors to consider as you decide whether to start treatment, either at home or at the dentist’s office.

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What Happens When You Have an Underbite?

No matter how well you take care of your teeth, there are certain dental problems that are caused by genetics and there’s nothing you can do to prevent them. An underbite is one of those issues. However, just because you can’t prevent an underbite does not mean that you need to live with it for the rest of your life or let your lifestyle suffer as a result. This post will cover what happens when you have an underbite? And treatment options available for correcting it.

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Veneers or Crowns: Which is Right for Me?

When you have a chipped tooth, you want to get it taken care of as quickly as possible. The good news is that there are few options for doing so. Veneers and Crowns are two of the more common options. So the question is, veneers or crowns; which is right for you? The answer depends on several factors, such as […]

Is Chocolate Bad For Your Teeth?

Around Christmas, Valentine’s day, Easter, and other holidays, most of us end up consuming more chocolate than we would on a normal basis and asking ourself, “is chocolate bad for your teeth?“ Whether you love dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, or any variety of this endorphin releasing, feel good treat, you may be surprised at the amount of positive […]

Dentures Vs Implants: Pros and Cons

Dentures vs Implants: Pros and Cons Dentures vs Implants. When you are missing one, some, or all of your teeth, these are two main options that dentists typically recommend. Each of these treatments has its own list of pros and cons that may make it a better option for your situation. Your dentist can make a recommendation, but the decision […]

Why Do Dental Implants Cost So Much?

Why do dental implants cost so much?! If you’ve ever had a tooth extracted, by accident or by a dentist, then you’ve probably looked into your tooth replacement options, including dental implants. There’s no question that implants are the best longterm tooth replacement option, but the cost of the procedure can give some patients sticker shock. Many patients leave the […]

5 Signs of A Healthy Mouth

  It’s no secret that a healthy mouth is often a sign of a healthy body and that many health issues may first show up at a dental checkup.  Here are five key indicators your dentist will look for during an oral health exam.   Five Signs of a Healthy Mouth Healthy Gums Take a good close look at your […]

Deep Dental Cleaning vs Regular Cleaning – Did the Dentist Just Refuse to Clean Your Teeth?

When can your dentist refuse to clean your teeth?  When they’re trying to protect your health. Imagine this scenario: You’re at home, brushing your teeth, during your normal routine.  Maybe you floss every day, maybe you don’t.  When brushing, you notice your teeth seem to look a little longer.  Maybe they seem further  apart, or have shifted a little.  Maybe you’ve […]